
Recipes are a powerful feature in Filestar that allows you to chain several skills into a sequence. After creating a recipe you can connect the recipe to an automation like a Trigger Folder, Desktop Shortcut or a Hotkey. You can also save and reuse recipes directly in the application.

You can write an entire recipe using natural language in the search box and our AI will parse and match with the proper skills.

convert  my file to  BMP format then rotate the image 90 degrees to the left, 
zip the result and finally save it to my desktop

See more examples below

Modifying Recipes

To manually create a multistep recipe click on the “Add Step” after selecting the first skill.

You can modify the recipe by right-clicking the step box on the left.

To insert a step in the middle of the recipe you hover the mouse over the arrow between two steps and click on the “+” icon.

On the result page, you can save your recipe or use it in an automation by clicking on the "Automate" button.

Example Recipes

rotate 90 degrees, invert the image and then finally save in C:\Foo\Bar\ 
trim wav from 00:02:30 to 00:04:15, then reduce noise, and finally save as mp3 
translate these documents into Dutch
convert to something that I can open in Word
overlay a watermark image in the centre, adjust the opacity to 30%, and save as JPEG
clip the largest possible 2x4 ratio square in the middle of this video
add red text in 20pt in the upper right corner with the width and height of the image

Last updated