Filestar CLI

Filestar CLI is currently only available on Windows.


Convert cat.jpg in the current folder to cat.png and store it in the folder c:\workspace:

>filestarcli -i cat.jpg -c "convert to png" -o C:\workspace

Merge page1.pdf and page2.pdf in the current folder:

>filestarcli -i page1.pdf page2.pdf -c "merge"


-i <input>
--input <input>

Specify paths as absolute or relative to current directories. It can contain a combination of valid literal path and wildcard (* and ?) characters, but it doesn't support regular expressions.

-o <output>
--output <output>
-o . 
-o foo.gif
-o "c:\foo bar\"
-o c:\foo\bar.<Extension>

Specifies how to handle the output. If omitted each file will be saved in its respective source directory.


Recursively find files in sub-directories in the current directory.


Command, i.e. "convert to jpg"


Skill parameters.

--output-template <output-template>

Specifies how to name the converted files. If omitted, this template is used: <Filename>.<Extension>


Available options:

  • Normal (default)

  • Quiet

  • Verbose


Path to a stored recipe file.


Specify how to handle cloud skills.

Available options:

  • Disallowed (default)

  • Allowed

  • Forced


Strategy to use if there are conflicting filenames when saving files.

Available options:

  • AppendNumber (default)

  • Replace

  • Skip

  • Warn


Show version information

 -?, -h, --help

Show help and usage information.


>filestarcli register <Activation Code>

Register Filestar on the current machine with the specified activation code.

>filestarcli update

Update Filestar on the current machine to the latest version.

Last updated